The P45

In last month’s blog, we took a look at an important piece of documentation related to employment called a P60 – which is an end of tax year summary of the income an employee has received and the tax paid. There is another vital piece of paper an employee might need –...

Your P60

One of the important documents for employees that is generated at the end of the financial year in April is the P60. But we know that it’s easy to just file it without being really sure what it’s all about so this month, we’re going to decode your P60. What is a P60?...

Update following the Spring Budget

The Chancellor has announced his measures for the country’s finances in what was the last Spring Budget before the General Election later this year and here’s our traditional blog post detailing the key features. National Insurance It feels like National Insurance is...

A day in the life of a payroll agency

Although one of the best things about my job is that no two days are the same, I thought for the blog post this month, it might be interesting to describe what a day in the Pixie Payroll office might look like, especially now my fellow director and husband Phil is...

What’s on the horizon in 2024

January is traditionally the time that I look forward and try to anticipate some of the things that are ahead but this time, it’s going to be very hard to predict. It’s an election year this time, so whether we’ll go to the polls in spring or autumn, there are sure to...