Now that we’ve had confirmation that the final coronavirus restrictions are to be lifted on 19th July, many businesses will be putting in place their final plans for fully reopening. For many, that will include ramping up their recruitment to fill gaps in their teams. Unfortunately, that comes at a time when employers are finding it really hard to tempt employees to work for them, so we thought a few handy tips to improve your recruitment process might be handy for this month’s blog.

Spread the word

First things first, if you have a vacancy to advertise, make sure you spread the word as far and wide as possible. Use your own social media channels and then get your network to share, share, share! If you’re on LinkedIn, make sure you post there too. Then it might be worth investigating whether some of the job hunting platforms such as Indeed would be worthwhile to reach as wide an audience as possible.

And if you have a shop, sometimes you just can’t beat the good old-fashioned notice in the window.

Be clear

When writing your job advert, make sure to be as clear as possible about what the job entails and what you are expecting of your employees. This should include information such as a brief job description, the hours and who they’ll be working with. In the current market, if someone has any doubt about the job, they’ll just pass by.

Perks of the job

It’s really vital that you include all the benefits of the job, including being clear about the salary on offer. If the job is part time but you include the full-time equivalent salary amount without saying it’s pro rata then people are going to be disappointed. Alternatively, be really clear about the hourly rate, especially if it is graded by age like the National Minimum Wage.

If there are extra benefits like free parking, free meals when on duty or bonus holiday days, don’t be afraid to shout about that. Also, let applicants know if you have put in place any welfare initiatives such as having a trained Mental Health First Aider on site; it will reassure them that you take steps to look after the team.

Be quick

Once your job advert is live, be prepared to be really quick to respond to applications or another employer will get in there first. If you are interested in someone’s CV, arrange immediate interviews and even talk to them over Zoom or over the phone if it makes it quicker. Once you’ve found someone who’s right for you, never be afraid to offer them the job there and then!

Make them welcome

Once you’ve offered them the job and they’re ready to start, make sure their first few days go smoothly. If they need IT, a computer and an email address, make sure that everything’s ready in advance so they feel welcome on their first day. Prepare a training or induction programme even if only for the first couple of days so they can feel confident and settled in their new job quickly. And of course, don’t forget that it is now your legal obligation to give all new employees a contract of employment on their first day as well as enrol them in the pension scheme.

We can help with your recruitment, adding new employees to the payroll and preparing contracts; just get in touch if you’re adding to your team this summer.